November 11, 2011 has turned out to be
the very LAST parade for
the Silver State Chapter 2, Las Vegas,
of the
Pearl Harbor Survivors Association
But they are not alone... PHSA Chapters across the nation have already closed down, or are seeing this upcoming December 7th, the 70th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, as an appropriate time to close their books, and close their doors.
Even the PHSA's National Chapter has decided to call it "quits".
... And thankfully, the local Las Vegas news media were out early to get a final interview from the Survivors... Shown here, Las Vegas Chapter 2 President, Clifton Dohrmann may be a bit hard of hearing, but the wisdom and stories he tells most assuredly should be recorded.
I hope you will enjoy the following photos of Chapter 2's final official parade attendance... along with the estimated 40,000 spectators (source: News 13 Las Vegas)
... a snappy salute and a fond farewell are indeed in order.
(click photo to enlarge)
Boys Scouts from local Troop 430 arrived to march in escort of the Pearl Harbor Survivors
Providing his driving services for Survivors Hal LaLone and Ike Schab, retired US Navy LCdr Robert Reiter (green flight jacket) discusses final parade instructions with the Troop 430's Scout Master and Scouts.
One last group photo!... time to get in line!!!
Ok... Time to march... let's wrap up the interviews!
...But Ike KNOWS that his story is important... so just hold on a minute!
And their off!
...But the media thought one last interview with the President was important enough to walk alongside their vehicle as they recorded.
Chapter President Clifton Dohrmann enjoys the Scouts' personal escort.
Survivors Ike Schab (rear) and Hal LaLone (front) show off their huge smiles to all the families and friends waving along the parade route.
What a moving sight... taking photos from the motorcycle... I saw a man, who apparently was the son of a Pearl Harbor Survivor... standing alongside the parade route holding up his Dad's PHSA garrison cap and clutching a folded American flag.
Robert Reiter, LCdr USN(Ret) shakes hands with, and thanks Survivors Hal LaLone and Ike Schab for their service, upon finishing his driving duties at the end of the parade.
Is this the last time I'll see this view during a parade?...
Remember Pearl Harbor... and Keep America Alert!!!